Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Jan. 7, 2014

Any time one endeavors to do a new thing one must take ones time to thoroughly investigate every aspect of the new endeavor so one does not come to silly and uninformed conclusions. This being the case, I must remind myself, constantly, to slow down and take my time. Whatever I am doing, I must slow down and observe what is happening around me so that I do not miss "the dance". Why is this important? Well, when it comes to my new healthy eating plan, if I get in too much of a hurry to see results or I try to do too much at one time then I will draw the conclusion that this new plan is not working or that it is too hard to understand or to carry out and I may quit right before the fruit of my efforts are seen.

I say that because today I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that I have set out to accomplish. My wheat berries are still on the cookie sheet that they dried in, my house was a mess and my barn yard was a mess and as I ran through my mental checklist of to do's I was feeling that I may have bit off more than I can chew by adding such a severe diet to our already busy lives.

Fortunately I have developed the tools to manage myself and I took a mental stroll down relaxation lane. Down this lane are many garbage cans and storage bins. Each can or bin is for a different thought or plan that I have. If the thought has nothing to do with reality I throw it away. If it's stressful, but I can't do anything about it, I throw it away. If it's on my "to do" list, but I'm not going to get to it today, I put it in the storage bin. etc. I do this until I have cleared my mind of all the mental noise that threatens to force me into making some emotionally driven decision. Then, I go back over the top three thing to do that day and I pick one. I focus on doing that one thing really well until it is completely done. I focus on enjoying it and I make the effort to relax my body and slow down a bit while I do.

When I complete that one thing, if I have time, I move on to another thing. I don't make a paper list. Paper lists tell what we didn't get to, not what we completed. If I only have one thing to do then when I have completed it then I am successful. Even if it is the only thing I complete all day.

This little exercise in relaxation has proven to be a life saver. The truth is that I get more done and enjoy the process of doing it. I learned it from the teachings of Christ. Are you surprised? Jesus has a lot to say about relaxing and not worrying, we just have to read the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us how to manage our own selves.

As far as today goes, I ended up doing great. Once I got a handle on my mental hurricane I accomplished a lot. We ate really well and never went off the diet. If I take my time and learn and enjoy as I go then these changes will truly become a lifestyle.

Until later...

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