Monday, January 20, 2014

Jan. 20, 2014

Let's talk deodorant. I have an opinion on deodorant that has been developed thru some research and some common sense. It's believed, (this is the research part) that the use of anti perspirant is linked to the high rise of breast and lymphatic cancer. The idea is that the body purifies the lymphatic system in the underarm area through perspiration. When we don't allow our body to perspire then toxins build up in the lymph nodes and this may be a cause of cancer. Of course there is a lot more to it than that, but that's it in a nut shell.

The common sense part is that whenever we do not allow the body to perform in the way that God created it to perform then we create problems for ourselves. I do believe that we are born with genetic propensities, and while we do our best to keep our lives healthy, we may still develop disease. However, the enormous rise in cancers and degenerative diseases have to make us sit up and pay attention to what we are doing. While we can not control the environment we live in, like air quality, we can control what we put on and in our bodies.

There are a lot of deodorants that do not have anti-perspirant in them, but if you are going to go with deodorant only, then you will have to be ok with an occasional damp underarm. We aren't used to this but I think it's worth it for the health benefit. The bigger problem that arises for me is the odor. I have yet to find a deodorant that lasts more that a few hours and if I do perspire then I stink. I do not think it acceptable to go around stinking, so the issue deserves further research.

What do we know about odor? . Everyone has sweaty feet, but not every one's sweaty feet stink, so what's the difference. Well bad foot odor is most often caused by fungus. How do we know this? The medications that are given to combat foot odor are anti fungal. They work, but only as long as you apply them and they only control the area that you apply them to. Fungus colonies are ever present on our bodies but when we create an environment on our skin that the fungus can flourish in then we end up with an overgrowth of fungus and the smell that that fungus causes. The biggest culprit to this is bad ph levels. When our bodies or skin becomes acidic then fungus flourishes and the good bacteria that keeps the fungus in check struggles to stay alive.

Therefore, it could be that a person could eradicate the bad foot odor by changing the ph of their body. In fact, it could be that all bad odor of the external body; feet, breath, underarm and groin, are affected and can be controlled by maintaining a balanced ph level within our whole bodies.

I am about to run an experiment on this.  I will buy ph test strips at the health food store and begin a log of my ph levels. I will read as much as I can on ph levels and make an effort to balance my ph through food or supplements. If this makes a change in underarm odor then I will know that it's possible to control odor by maintaining a healthy ph. And, a healthy ph is very important to the health of our bodies in much more ways than odor.

I'll keep you posted.

Until next time...

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