Monday, January 27, 2014

Jan. 27, 2014

I have an update on my post a few days ago regarding stinky pits. A friend from church put me on to a pit cream that her sister makes and sells through etsy. It is amazing! I love it! Can't say enough about it. It actually works! I had a busy day in town grocery shopping with lots of temperature changes in and out of stores and at the end of the day I smelled as good as when I put it on in the morning. I am so impressed! It's called "Nice Pits" cream.

I went to her website and checked out her other products. They look great, and I would definitely recommend checking it out. The address is, Her name is Kathy Johnson and she lives in northern Washington. I had the privilege of meeting her and her husband several years ago and visiting their place with Karen and John. Their wholesome way of life has been a reminder and resource over the years as Owen and I have dabbled in Off-grid living. (I'm still seriously considering a bath house, but you would have had to be there to know what I am talking about. ;)

I am finding that this newish lifestyle is really fun to me. I love to learn new recipes and try new things. I am totally a believer in "reduce, reuse, recycle" and my latest kick is to try to observe ways in which we waste things that can be used again.

When one is on a tight budget there are two ways to make more money. One is to work harder and one is to work smarter. One can either figure out how to make more money or how to save more money. For instance, I can either get another job or just look around and see ways in which we are wasting money. Here's a big one. Lattes. They average $4 apiece. I'm not a huge latte drinker, but each time I go to town I get one. I average $10  a week in lattes. So, a couple days ago I bought a travel mug for $4 and decided that I would take coffee with me on the road. That will save me $40 a month.  (Of course the mug I bought was safe. Make sure you by one that is BPA free, etc.) That's just one example. There are so many ways we can make money by saving money.

How about the plastic bags from Walmart. Don't throw them away. Use them to line your wastebaskets. That will save having to buy liners. Just remember that your time is also a commodity, don't do things that save a little bit of money but cost a lot of time, what you do has to make sense. I would love to hear your ideas.

Until next time...

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