Tuesday, November 4, 2014

There and back again.

It's been several months since I posted on my blog. Life got busy and the blog lost it's importance. Now that fall has come and things have slowed down and taken form, I find that my evenings are less chaotic and more conducive to blogging. That, and a friend encouraged me to blog again because she actually read it and liked it. Imagine that!

So here I am again, pounding the keys and wondering how to return to something that I had abandon. I suppose that some things do not require any pomp and can begin with the same momentum with which they ceased.

For those who have read my previous blogs, my husband is doing really well with his Parkinson's. The doctors put him on a new medication, and the tremors have stopped completely. The only time one sees the affect of the disease is in the morning, before the first dose. I wish I could say that my efforts in a good diet and healthy living had made the difference, but it did not. If a person suffers from discomfort or disease I think the natural approach is the first to consider, however, some times it is not the last thing that should be considered.

If you are like me, you would like for all that God created to hold the answers for our every need. You would hope that you could find answers to ailments naturally and without side effects. I suppose that when God first created things that reality would hold merit, but things have digressed and we owe it to ourselves, sometimes, to explore unfriendly territory to find answers that will raise our quality of life for the present.

 I know it says in the Bible that God has numbered our days. I don't believe that I can do anything to add to the length of time that God has allotted me, but I do think that it is up to me to determine how I will spend those days, and it's that challenge that keeps folk like me searching for answers in the health food aisle; answers to health and vitality. Food, supplements, and salves can work their miracle on countless discomforts, but  none of them can remove the impending thought that we are all going to die. We can do our best to live good, happy, healthy, lives, but no effort on our part will remove the final outcome; death. I think it's this realization that helps me keep balanced with my approach to healthy living. There is no food, no drink, no ointment that will remove this fact from our lives and to embrace that is the beginning of peace.

Death, for the Children of God, is not the end, it is the beginning. It's the call home. It is the beginning of the long anticipated reward. Death holds no fear or dread for the one who's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. God may give wisdom to His people to make our journey more pleasant, but He has no intent of making the journey longer than He wants it to be for each of His children.

I don't take death lightly, in fact, I ascribe to it the proper awe and reverence that it deserves. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  And, "Psalm 116:15 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants."

These passages don't mean that God loves death, but that He honors it as a right of passage into the Rest that He has provided for us. He holds our lives and death as an honor unto His name. What an amazing thought!

As I come back to this blog and my audience of two, LOL, I just want to say that no matter how hard we try to do everything right in the area of healthy living, we will eventually succumb to the inevitable. Let that thought not keep you from your Paleo cookies and organic produce, but let it give you the freedom to administer your "prescriptions" with an air of ease and joy; knowing your limits, and leaving the rest in the hands of Him who loves you so very much.

Until next time...

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